Home Luxusspielzeugen DVD for birds – Bird Sitter Video, The Video Birds love to watch
Luxusspielzeugen DVD for birds – Bird Sitter Video, The Video Birds love to watch
DVD for birds – Bird Sitter Video, The Video Birds love to watch
Preis pro Einheit (Stûck):
16 EUR (Brutto)
MwSt.: 21%
Lieferzeit: auf Lager
Running Time: 86 min., Published: 2006, Format: DVD
The Bird Sitter Video was produced by Steve Cantin along with Steve Harman. Steve Hartman has over 19 years of experience working with 500 large parrots.
Their goal in producing The Bird Sitter Video was to create a video that would give your pet bird the opportunity to experience life in a flock, the way parrots were meant to live. This video exposes your parrot to the sights and sounds of hundreds of parrots perusing everyday life in a flock. This video will give your bird constant mental stimulation thereby making him a happier, healthier pet bird.
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Transport Tasche de Luxe
65 EUR (Brutto)
MwSt.: 21%